The SpinOne platform provide All-in-One SaaS Security for mission-critical applications such as Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Salesforce and Slack. On top of protecting the ecosystem around the SaaS application, SpinOne also helps customers improve the SaaS security posture by recommending security controls.
Available for customers on the SpinSPM and SpinOne subscriptions.
Head to the Posture Management section from the left panel of your SpinOne platform to learn more.

You'll immediately notice 4 sections that make up the Posture Management dashboard.
Posture Score
Posture score calculates the number of points achieved based on the successfully completed controls. Customers should aim to have as high of a Posture Score as possible.
Posture Breakdown
A control may have one of the following statuses:
- Pass - Control is addressed and fully implemented
- Partial Pass - Control is partially addressed and partially implemented
- Alternative Resolution - Control is addressed and fully implemented through alternative methods
- Risk Accepted - Control is not addressed or implemented but the imposed risk has been accepted
- To Address - Control is not addressed or implemented at all
- Suppressed - Control is not relevant
Only controls with the statuses Pass, Partial Pass, and Alternative Resolution earn points. The Posture Score is adjusted accordingly for controls that are Suppressed.
To show the trend of the SaaS application's posture, customers can choose to see a 7/14/30 day Posture Score History and specify whether to see the history for controls in all severities - or specific ones.
Outstanding Controls
This widget prioritizes controls that have not been completed based on its severity.