Q2 2023 Recap

Get a detailed overview of the highlights from Q2 2023, including major industry trends and developments.

Written By Davit Asatryan (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

In Q2 of 2023, we significantly expanded the range of our offerings and created two new products:

  • SpinSPM - SaaS Security Posture Management & 3rd Party Apps Risk Assessment
  • SpinDLP - SaaS Data Leak Prevention & Data Loss Protection

Both products are now available for Google Workspace & Microsoft 365, and are also a part of our All-in-One SpinOne package. Learn more about the plans we have to offer here.


Let's dig deeper into each product to find out more information.



SaaS Security Posture Management & 3rd Party Apps Risk Assessment

SpinOne’s SpinSPM for Google Workspace & Microsoft 365 will help organizations improve their SaaS posture by managing misconfigurations, ensuring compliance and identifying risky users and applications.


Misconfigurations Management & Compliance 

Through Misconfigurations Management & Compliance, SpinOne now automatically monitors for certain configurations in your Google Workspace & Microsoft 365 to identify any potential risks. For all controls monitored, SpinOne will also identify:

  • Standards that the configuration meets (NIST, ISO, CIS, …)
  • Category of the control
  • Description and explanation of potential threats
  • Current status


SpinSPM will also aggregate all control statuses to display an overall Posture Score, serving as a benchmark for a SaaS application's overall security.


Apps Insights & Analytics

To help security teams make better decisions around connected 3rd party applications & Browser Extensions, SpinOne has introduced Apps Insights & Analytics.

SpinOne customers can now utilize this overview to gain insights on connected apps & extensions by:

  • Services - breakdown of core SaaS services and their connected apps
  • Permissions - permission sets given out & potential threats
  • Categories - categories apps belong to
  • Compliances - core compliances apps meet

Choose the section that is the most important for your business, in order to identify applications and extensions that meet your requirements, and create Blocklist/Allowlist policies accordingly.



SaaS Data Leak Prevention & Data Loss Protection

SpinOne's SpinDLP for Google Workspace & Microsoft 365 allows organizations to monitor, mitigate and respond to data exposure and data sensitivity. 

SpinOne will scan mailboxes, attachments, user drives and shared folders to identify and alert on detected sensitive data, ensuring that confidential business information is not being sent, received or shared.

Customers are able to create Security Policies to detect 15+ out of the box types of sensitive data.


To reduce false positives, you are also able to specify a confidence Threshold, which takes into consideration more context words when identifying files as sensitive.

Customers are able to combine Sensitive Data Detection with Data Sharing policies to ensure sensitive files are not being exposed externally, or shared to Anyone with the link.


Thank you for following our SpinOne product updates, check back in next quarter to see what's new! 

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