Microsoft 365: Automated Daily Backups

Written By Norayr Arabatlian (Collaborator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Automated Daily Microsoft Office 365 Backups are pivotal in protecting critical data, especially in today’s public cloud environments. Data can be encrypted, deleted, or accidentally/intentionally corrupted. Backing up your data will provide the ability to reconstruct data after such events. Data loss can occur due to accidental or malicious deletion events by an end user, as well as damage inflicted by an attacker.


Ransomware attacks are becoming alarmingly more common, which makes securely backing up data even more critical to an organization’s primary tool in safeguarding their data. Organizations need to be able to maintain business continuity by being able to reconstruct or restore data as quickly and efficiently as possible. This includes business-critical data that exists in the public cloud.



Screenshot: SpinOne dashboard widget depicting all Microsoft 365 services backed up. 



It is relatively very easy to store data in the cloud, but it is also just as easy for that data to be lost. Having the means to effectively backup and protect business-critical data ensures business continuity. This is a crucial part of any organization’s overall security strategy.


SpinOne provides unlimited on-demand, as well as automated daily backups of public cloud data! The automated daily backup can be configured to run either 1x or 3x per day on the SpinOne platform. These times are scheduled based on convenience for organizations, analyzed by data use patterns. This includes data protection for Microsoft Outlook, OneDrive, Calendars and Contacts. SpinOne offers powerful cloud-to-cloud backups, that are encrypted in-flight and at-rest, which guarantee the security of data transit. Our automated backups are also efficient, by performing a full initial backup when an account is first activated, followed by incremental backups, which ensure quick and reliable data protection.


Screenshot: SpinOne Dashboard widget showing the total amount of items backed up. 

Screenshot: SpinOne "Account Settings" page where you can adjust automated backup frequency. 

SpinOne Automated Daily Backup Features:

  • On-demand and automated backups. Manual as well as automated backups of public cloud data.
  • Secure. Data is encrypted in-transit and at-rest.
  • Efficient. After the first full backup, incremental backups are performed to obtain up to date data.


Backups of essential and critical business data must be included in the overall security strategy plan of modern businesses today. With organizations increasingly shifting towards the public cloud, protection must be placed for the data that enters. SpinOne’s powerful data protection solution for public cloud data empowers organizations to protect all aspects of business-critical public cloud data effectively, securely, and efficiently.




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