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Shadow IT

On average, an organization has about 1000 unauthorized SaaS applications, a widespread phenomenon called Shadow IT. These apps pose serious risks to SaaS data, including ransomware attacks, data leak, data loss, and zero-day attacks. Learn how to acquire visibility and control over Shadow IT.

Unraveling the Risk of Shadow IT

Unraveling the Risk of Shadow IT

While our workplaces become increasingly reliant on third-party applications, how do organizations balance security and...

Courtney Ostermann - Chief Marketing Officer Spin.AI

Chief Marketing Officer

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An Introduction to OAuth 2.0. Working Principles and Risks

An Introduction to OAuth 2.0. Working Principles and Risks

OAuth 2.0 has become a widespread authorization method for many applications and websites. Learn its...

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Director of Support

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2022’s Most Shocking SaaS App Attacks – and How to Prevent Them

2022’s Most Shocking SaaS App Attacks – and How to Prev...

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions offer tremendous benefits to enterprise organizations, allowing companies to provide state-of-the-art cloud-based...

Courtney Ostermann - Chief Marketing Officer Spin.AI

Chief Marketing Officer

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SaaS Application Security Risk Assessment and Modeling

SaaS Application Security Risk Assessment and Modeling

SaaS application security risk assessment is critical for companies looking to ensure their critical data...

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Director of Support

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How to Prevent Zero Day Attacks?

How to Prevent Zero Day Attacks?

Computer software is often prone to attacks. This could be due to internal or external...

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VP of Engineering

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Shadow IT Examples that will Make You Question Your Company Cybersecurity

Shadow IT Examples that will Make You Question Your Company Cyberse...

Most enterprises don’t realize how many risky apps have access to their Google Workspace and...

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Vice President of Product

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What is Shadow IT and Why is It the Biggest Cybersecurity Risk?

What is Shadow IT and Why is It the Biggest Cybersecurity Risk?

What is shadow IT? Shadow IT is an emerging threat to your business, especially as...

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Vice President of Product

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Google Workspace 2-Step Verification and Two-Factor Authentication

Google Workspace 2-Step Verification and Two-Factor Authentication

Similar to two-factor authentification, Google Workspace 2-Step Verification provides additional protection for your Google Workspace....

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Product Manager

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How to Prevent Shadow IT in Cloud SaaS Environments

How to Prevent Shadow IT in Cloud SaaS Environments

Many are afraid of what “lurks in the shadows.” For a good reason, what we...

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Vice President of Product

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3 Shadow IT Tools and 4 Rules to Manage Risky Apps

3 Shadow IT Tools and 4 Rules to Manage Risky Apps

The number of employees who admit to using unauthorized apps, devices, or other technologies at...

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Vice President of Product

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How to Disconnect Apps from Google Drive?

How to Disconnect Apps from Google Drive?

Google Drive is a popular cloud-based document storage platform that enables users to store, organize,...

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Vice President of Product

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